The system at Mastrobruno Lamezia Terme
The system located at Mastrobruno Lamezia Terme
Ecologia Oggi Spa has a platform for the recovery and exploitation of waste located at Mastrobruno located in the local council area of Lamezia Terme.
The platform is authorized to temporarily store and sort special hazardous and non-hazardous waste. For Ecologia Oggi Spa, the platform was also used to implement the waste selection and sorting system, in order to optimise final disposal, with particular attention to the recovery of all types of waste that can be readmitted into the production cycle, becoming a strategic reference point for all public organisations over the years, as well as for individual citizens, who have separate waste collection among their environmental priorities.
The list of the Consortia affiliated with the Mastrobruno site is as follows:
RICREA – Consorzio Nazionale Riciclo e Recupero Imballaggi Acciaio (National Consortium Recycling and Recovery Steel Packaging);
CIAL – Consorzio Imballaggi Alluminio (Aluminium Packaging Consortium);
COMIECO – Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a Base Cellulosica (National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose Packaging);
RILEGNO – Consorzio Nazionale per il Recupero e il Riciclaggio degli Imballaggi in Legno (National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Wooden Packaging);
COREPLA – Consorzio per la Raccolta, il Riciclaggio e il Recupero dei Rifiuti di Imballaggi in Plastica (Consortium for the Recovery, Recycling and Recovery of Waste from Plastic Packaging);
COREVE – Consorzio Recupero Vetro.(Class Recovery Consortium);
CONOU – Consorzio obbligatario oli usati (Compulsory Consortium for used oils);
CONOE – Consorzio Obbligatorio Nazionale di raccolta e trattamento Oli e grassi vegetali e animali Esausti (Compulsory National Consortium for the Collection and Treatment of Oils and Exhausted vegetable and animal oils and fats;
ECOPOWER – Batterie al piombo (Lead batteries);
RAEE – Rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (Waste from electrical and electronic equipment).