Our company

“Anything you can imagine, nature has already created it”

Ecologia Oggi Spa has been operating in the environmental sector since 1987 thanks to the environmental vision of Eugenio Guarascio.

0 The beginning
Ecologia Oggi Spa has operated in the environmental sector since 1987
0 The SRL
Took the form of SRL (Limited Liability Company) in 1990.
0 The SPA
In 2008 the company became a share company with share capital of 1 million Euros


  • Integrated system of door to door urban waste collection;
  • System management;
  • Collection, transport and start of recovery/disposal of special hazardous and non hazardous waste and sanitary and hospital waste;
  • Recovery of bilge water, oily fractions and solid waste on board ship also by boat, waste sterilization;

Urban ecosystem 2018 ranking

Urban ecosystem 2018. The points were allotted to the cities according to the parameters monitored by Legambiente and Ambiente Italia. Data 2018 in % (the first 20 cities of 104 are listed) in the 24th edition of Ecosistema urbano (Urban ecosystem, a yearly report by Legambiente). The city of Cosenza where Ecologia Oggi Spa manages the collection system is in 5th place nationally and is the first among all the cities of Southern Italy.

1° Mantova 78%
2° Parma 76%
3° Bolzano 74%
4° Trento 73%
5° Cosenza 71%
6° Pordenone 71%
7° Belluno 68%
8° Treviso 68%
9° Macerata 67%
10° Bologna 67%

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